Know, see, grow – the benefits of digital tooth-straightening

Know, see, grow – the benefits of digital tooth-straightening

Social media expert and part-time singer Charlotte Raynsford describes her experiences as a patient of Dr Asif Chatoo in a new video here. The outstanding aspect of Charlotte’s treatment was she knew what to expect before the braces went on thanks to the highly customised digital technology used at the London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic.

Dr Chatoo is a leader in lingual braces and digital technology. He goes this month to Harvard to lecture in the orthodontic faculty of the School of Dental Medicine and last month he spoke in The Great Digital Debate at the British Orthodontic Conference.

In the video, Charlotte outlines how it felt to know what her smile would look like, to see how the treatment would unfold, and to grow in confidence throughout. Another patient of Dr Chatoo, the beauty blogger Victoria, author of the In the Frow blog, has described her experience at the London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic here.

Unlike some orthodontic planning systems, for which overseas technicians provide the prescription, Dr Chatoo remains in control of his patients’ treatment throughout. Working with Sheffield-based dental laboratory J.J.Thompson, he has devised a bespoke lingual brace system so that brackets can be placed precisely exactly where he wants to get the results agreed with the patient.

Dr Chatoo, who has been dedicated to lingual for some 12 years, says that he wanted to devise his own system to ensure he could give his patients optimum results. “My patients are mostly adults and they are discriminating. They know what they want to achieve so it’s important for me to have as much control as possible over the brackets and wires.”

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