The inevitable reversal of ratios

The inevitable reversal of ratios

Orthodontic therapists (OTs) came onto the scene in 2008 when the first cohort completed their training at Leeds Dental Institute. There are now 364 OTs compared to roughly 1350 orthodontists, a ratio of 1 to 4. OTs can carry out many aspects of the patient’s orthodontic treatment, excluding, of course, diagnosis and bond-up.
Meanwhile, there are nearly 40,000 dentists registered to work in the UK compared to nearly 6,500 hygienists, meaning that for every hygienist there are six dentists.
I wonder whether the 6-1 outnumbering of hygienists by dentists will continue for much longer? 

2023-03-07T15:53:47+00:00For Professionals|
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