The powerful software in use at the London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic allows patients to see into the future at the outset of their treatment. They can gain an impression of how their teeth will move and how their smile will look in the safe knowledge that the technology as applied by Dr Asif Chatoo can accurately achieve the predicted result.
The precise outcome can be realised thanks to the bespoke system that Dr Chatoo has devised in tandem with the Sheffield-based J.J. Thompson laboratory. A video has been made to give an insight into the way in which the bracket transfer trays are created can be found on the technology page.
Dr Chatoo explains in the video that he wanted to devise his own system in order to ensure he could give his patients optimum results. His practice has been dedicated to lingual braces for some 12 years and he carries out hundreds of cases every year.
“My patients are mostly adults and they are discriminating. They know what they want to achieve so it’s important for me to have as much control as possible over the brackets and wires.”
“By using the transfer trays from J.J. Thompson combined with a Suresmile wire which has been bent to my prescription by a robot, I now have more control over the movement of my patients’ teeth than I have ever had before.”
Ann John, manager of the Sheffield-based J.J. Thompson laboratory said how pleased they were to be producing transfer trays on behalf of Dr Chatoo technician Anthony Emmett, who features in the video, said it was exciting to be “trail-blazing”.
Dr Chatoo says: “We are only at the beginning. We can push boundaries even further, working with a good laboratory and centred around providing the best possible care for our patients.”