Yes, the crazy threesome pictured above ran, jumped, crawled and clambered around more than ten miles of hurdles. I am on the right with Sarah Urquhart on the left and Sarah Brake in the middle. Contrary to expectations, because we were completely terrified in the weeks beforehand, we had the most unforgettable, amazing time. By the end of the course, we were already talking about doing Tough Mudders again next year, perhaps for charity. Why? Outstandingly because of the fantastic team spirit. Everyone was so helpful and encouraging. It was arduous but we had such a laugh. With the majority of participants being fit men, we were very happy with the muscular arms being stretched out to help us out of trenches of mud or pulled from a pool of icy cold water. And we felt so fit after our months of training. The pedometers are not so visible these days but any of the three of us will be quite happy to reminisce about that August weekend!