Do you know the risks of over the counter whitening products?

Do you know the risks of over the counter whitening products?

If the colour of your teeth is something you feel conscious of, you might feel uncomfortable in new social situations or at events where photos are being taken. Teeth whitening treatment can be incredibly confidence boosting, particularly due to how quickly you can see results. However, with so many products readily available from high street retailers, it can be all too tempting to go for a cheap product and try it yourself at home.

We’ve broken down some of the risks of these over the counter whitening products to help you make a more informed decision.

No expert consultation

First and foremost, buying teeth whitening products from a retailer is a simple transaction, which means you won’t benefit from the advice or insight of a dental professional. How can you be sure that the product you choose from the shelf contains suitable and safe ingredients for your teeth or will do what it says it will? For example, you may not be aware that not all stains can be easily treated to achieve whiter shades or that crowns and fillings cannot be whitened. It’s important to have this information upfront to help you decide if treatment is right for you.

A consultation with someone who is dentally trained is important because it provides an opportunity to discuss your individual needs, opening a dialogue around your expectations and what can realistically be achieved. Occasionally, it’s possible to experience tooth sensitivity or gum irritation as a result of tooth-whitening; a dentist, orthodontist or hygienist can provide advice around managing any side effects that may occur.

An expert consultation should be with someone who is dentally trained. Don’t be fooled into thinking that a beauty therapist is an expert. Although some salons provide teeth whitening, they do so illegally and sometimes things can go badly wrong.

Quality and consistency is key

We’ve all seen that episode of Friends and no one wants to end up with glow in the dark teeth! If you’re buying teeth whitening kits online or in-store, how can you guarantee even results? At The London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic we carry out a full whitening session in practice to ensure you have consistent results that you are happy with. We also supply trays and a prescription whitening gel so you can continue your treatment at home. This allows you to be fully in control of the colour that you achieve. Once your teeth are the desired shade of whiter, you stop wearing your trays until the time when you might want a top-up whitening treatment.

Do you really know what you are buying or where you’re buying from?

A new study published in the British Dental Journal this year found that over the counter products had the potential to damage teeth. Some online products contain dangerous chemicals including toxic or banned substances.

In 2015  an investigation found that that it was possible to buy teeth whitening kits from an online UK retailer that contained a chemical banned for use by the EU. The same investigation highlighted that teeth whitening services were being offered by beauty salons around the country. If an offer seems too good to be true, it’s likely that is exactly the case. Always ensure that any advice you seek around your teeth and oral health comes from a trained clinician such as a dentist, orthodontist or hygienist.

At The London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic, you can take advantage of our teeth whitening services whilst you are wearing lingual brace so when you finish treatment your teeth are both straighter and whiter. Following a consultation, we’ll also provide you with custom-made dental whitening trays and prescribed gels to help you achieve your desired results.

If you are interested in our teeth whitening treatments, or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us here.

2023-03-07T15:52:27+00:00For Patients|
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