Discreet orthodontic solutions

Discreet orthodontic solutions

Despite orthodontic treatments being mostly associated with teenagers and younger age groups, adult orthodontic solutions are becoming increasingly popular. This is especially so with the development and availability of what are known as ‘discreet orthodontic solutions’, a visually more subtle approach to conventional fixed metal braces.

For patients for whom this treatment is suitable, discreet orthodontics offers increasingly large numbers of private adults a more comfortable, cost-effective and convenient alternative treatment to traditional fixed appliances.

Oral Health and Hygiene demo cleaning behind lingual braces

Orthodontic solutions for adults

Among the many different orthodontic systems that are available, our speciality is lingual braces, which are similar to traditional braces but they are fixed to the back – or the lingual – side of your teeth so are invisible compared to those attached to the front on the teeth.

Lingual braces are an extremely popular option with our adult patients, allowing them to continue their day-to-day life as professionals without the worry of drawing unnecessary attention to their teeth. This helps them maintain control of the impact that orthodontic treatment has on their day-to-day life while providing the most effective solution for a wide variety of orthodontic issues.

The London Lingual Orthodontic Clinic advocates lingual braces as a discreet orthodontic solution, and we are the first specialist lingual orthodontic practice in the UK. However, where appropriate for the patient we can also offer Invisalign aligners as another discreet orthodontic solution.

Invisalign Aligners are custom made to fit over your teeth discreetly and are worn like a transparent retainer offering convenient, yet effective, teeth straightening with the benefit of being removable for eating, drinking and cleaning your teeth.

Dr Asif Chatoo can discuss the most effective type of brace for your needs, including treatments that include a combination of both lingual braces and Invisalign aligners to help you achieve your perfect smile.

Asif with patient

Treatment centred around quality

Using carefully curated treatment plans based on his significant experience and expertise, Dr Asif’s decisions regarding our patient’s tailored treatments are backed by data collected using our SureSmile Advanced system.

Allowing us to both plan and predict the outcome of treatment, the SureSmile Advanced System can help you gain a deeper understanding of your orthodontic treatment options and expected results.

This can help you to evaluate the impact of treatment enabling you to make decisions that leaves you in control of your treatment, your lifestyle, and ultimately your smile.

For patients requiring the input of more than one dental specialist, we will work with colleagues to provide a high level of inter-disciplinary care. Our patients are provided with all the information they need to make an informed decision on the right treatment plan for them.

If you’re looking to invest in yourself and your smile, get in touch today to book a consultation with Dr Chatoo.

2023-03-07T15:52:07+00:00For Patients|
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